Relations of Power Changed in ALBA Country Members, Says Correa

Guayaquil, Ecuador, Jul 31 (Prensa Latina) “In the 12nd Summit of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) was ratified that in our countries the people is the one that rules, therefore the relations of power have changed”, said Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa.

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“The rule of people which is guiding us to govern our countries, causes imperialism’s hate”, said Correa during the meeting with social movement at Coliseo Voltaire Paladines Polo.

The meeting represented the closure of the international summit that was attended by 9 presidents of Latin American and the Caribbean countries.

Correa criticized the two faced, false and ironic features of imperialism, and said that it was something that had to be taken into account.

He also asked social movements to be aware of organizations that use demonstrations and social features to support neoliberal causes.

“Intentions are not enough, we have to take smart actions to face provocations”, said Correa.

Near 10,000 people, representing the stance of social movements toward ALBA, demonstrated in support of Latin American integration.alba-cumbreguaya

On the other hand, Bolivian president Evo Morales, reminded that ALBA emerged from social movements and today it progresses to complemetariness and solidarity to a joint declaration against policies of some countries that intend to reintroduce the Area of Free Trade for America (ALCA).

The 12 Summit was attended by head of states and delegations from Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Dominica, Ecuador, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Antigua and Barbuda and Saint Lucia, which are ALBA country members.

Modificado el ( miércoles, 31 de julio de 2013 )

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